Parenting Tools workshops are based on the internationally renowned encouragement parenting and classroom management model 'Positive Discipline' by Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott.

Positive Discipline draws on the pioneering teachings of Austrian psychiatrist Dr. Alfred Adler and his most influential student, Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs. Conventional parenting models teach parents how to change their child’s behaviour through a series of rewards and punishment - the Adlerian approach however is very different being both non-permissive and non-punitive. The key ingredient is encouragement. Deceptively simple, this model is highly effective in helping parents build mutually respectful relationships with their children of any age. Adults discover that there is a belief behind every child's misbehaviour, their own role in it and how to respectfully encourage long lasting and positive change.


Dr. Alfred Adler

1870 - 1937

Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist and founder of Adlerian psychology (also known as Individual Psychology) Adler held equality, civil rights, mutual respect, and the advancement of democracy as core values. He was one of the first to provide family and group counseling and to use public education as an effective way to address community health.

“A child's greatest motivation in life is the desire to belong"

"Cooperation is the most important thing for living"

Children should be given their own responsibilities. Children should be treated as equals"


Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs

1897 - 1972

Austrian psychiatrist and innovative educator who developed Adler's system of Individual psychology into a pragmatic and easy to understand method for understanding child behavior. Dreikurs was strongly committed to the value of community counseling and empowering parents and teachers with knowledge and approaches that led to more mutually respectful and collaborative relationships.

"Children need encouragement just as plants need water"

"If we want to help a child change his direction we must understand what makes him move."

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Dr. Jane Nelsen

Licensed Marriage, Family and Child counselor. Author and co-author of the renowned Positive Discipline series of books and teaching manuals and co-founder of the Positive Discipline Association with members in over 60 countries worldwide.

"Where did we ever get the crazy idea that in order to make children do better, first we have to make them feel worse?"

"Mistakes are wonderful opportunities to learn"

“When we treat children with dignity and respect, and teach them valuable life skills for good character, they will spread peace in the world”

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Lynn Lott

Founder of Encouragement Consulting Workshops and co-founder of the Positive Discipline Association, licensed family therapist and author of 25 parenting and self help books. Lott helped to create and develop the PD workshop model with its unique experiential activities which have become the hallmark of Positive Discipline workshops around the world.

“The more you help others feel encouraged, the more you improve the quality of your own life”

“People learn best when they experience activities rather than when they read or listen to lectures”

“Learn to take small steps'“